#TuesdayReel 12/19

As promised! Our once weekly update on our training videos 
have been added to Nox's Training Playlist on our YouTube Channel

In Training This Week
We Worked On:
Accepting a Friendly Stranger (Being Shy)
Not good, this shows anxiety which we're training out of!
Sit & Stay with Human Distraction
Down & Stay with Jordan
& Nox Vs Jordan
Which Jordan Won. 

Last week we were having trouble not reacting to other dogs, so this week we hung out with a 12 year old lab named Charlotte, and Nox learned by watching to be calm around other dogs. 
This is why socialization is so important! 
Last week we were also having trouble with Supervised Separation, so this week, we tried a classic technique.
While me and Alex left the room, we had our Faithful Petco Friend Jordan, play with Nox, give him treats galore while listening to Jazz while we were out of the room...AND IT WORKED! So this week we're going to try doing the same thing with neighbors at the dog park so that we're ready for our CGC Test in 3 weeks!

We're going to practice at the Petco location in Allen, Texas the day after Christmas with a beautiful Husky to see our skills! So our Video #ReelTuesday will be a little delayed til the evening due to the holidays.

We've also solved our "Pulling on the leash" problem with the Petco Easy Walk Harness.
What sold us was when the store manager Jennifer stated 

"I used these on licensed and rescued Timberwolves to stop them from pulling." 

Just as a size comparison

Once we put on this harness, it was like a switch was flipped, because he instantly walked fine. 
No Pulling, No Running. Just a calm, well behaved dog walking!
We'll be doing product reviews over Christmas on our Youtube Channel. 

Stay Tuned for more updates each week!

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