Service Dog in Training

Phase #3 Service Dog in Training

"Certification is not required in the USA. Many states lack programs willing to certify dogs that did not go through that program ís training course. The DOJ decided to foster an honor system, by making the tasks the dog is trained to perform on command or cue to assist a disabled person, rather than certification ID from specific programs, the primary way to differentiate between a service animal and a pet. It opened the door for people to train their own assistance dog, usually with the help of an experienced trainer, if a program dog is unavailable."

With respect to: "Tester: If you are not enrolled in a program or taking lessons from a trainer willing to administer the Public Access Test and it mean ta ID on successful completion of the test, it is worthwhile to find a trainer who would administer the Public Access Test. You could recruit a local trainer certified through The National Association of Obedience Dog Instructors ( or the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. ( ,or an obedience class instructor, or a Canine Good Citizen test evaluator. Trainers usually will charge a fee for their time. You might ask a colleague, in a pinch, to video tape the test and score it, for scoring is self explanatory. Have the tester sign and date it, then keep the test with your training logs in case of an access dispute someday." 
Advised by Edward Crane a Board Member of the "International Association of Assistance Dog Partners (IAADP)" (Everything above Highlighted has been advised by Edward Crane.)
This is when we'll give more training on how to be a service dog, and how to assist me, with my needs, such as moving around the house when my leg is swollen and I don't want to, or can't get out of bed, when I can't walk down the hall, to help me when it hurts so bad to move to help me get around the house, I'll have Nox listed as a Service Animal, he'll mostly help me at home or work, with things that require more movement than just slightly moving around.

Reasons to list:
For more information on how to list your dog as a Certified Service Dog visit:

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